AHP One Version 4.3.21229.3 - 20/08/2021

  • Verbesserungen
  • [15812] - Added a new permission for the user's which provides the option to navigate to the new UI via old ui - "Navigation_NewUI"
  • [15749] - Exchange Online Mailboxes can be created using mass import
  • [15748] - In the store of the new UI the more information button has been introduced to display more information about a normal product
  • [15489] - Exchange Online support for AHP One Multi-Tenant environments
  • [15429] - AHP One frontend user would be able to view the different states (Pending approval and Not available) of the applications and services in the new UI
  • [15428] - Introducing the products store in the new user frontend
  • [15198] - AHP One frontend user would be able to view, search and filter the applications and services under the Store section in the new user frontend
  • [15151] - Added functionality to assign Shared Mailboxes as part of a Service Set during user creation
  • [15118] - Function of product runtime assignemnt has been introduced, so that products can be configured for a scheduled unbooking
  • [14980] - Introduced a loading indicator while website is not fully downloaded
  • [14964] - Improved transparency which Applications/Services will be booked because of an AppSet/Service Set assigned to a workflow during user creation
  • [14800] - Change the category and icons of local admin products on import to 'desktop admin' by default
  • [14758] - Removed synced Active Directory groups in Azure AD group management and introduced a filter by group type
  • [14657] - When a user unbooks an application and then rebooks it, the "Runtime of Assignment" time starts again from the time of the second unbooking
  • [14544] - When a user has booked a product with runtime of assignment, the date and the name of the product or service is visible in AHP One Frontend Notification section
  • [14111] - Shared mailbox created by AHP One are created using the Microsoft default settings
  • [14040] - As CANCOM Software Group we want to provide our users a documentation in the CANCOM CI
  • [13717] - Team manager with the right permission would be able to unlock the user's account from the new user frontend.
  • [13670] - Exchange Online Mailboxes can be created interactively in the user create and user edit dialogue by selecting Exchange Online in Mailbox Store dropdown and delete the mailbox in user edit
  • [13666] - Helpdesk/Admin can query/fetch the info from Exchange in user edit
  • [13555] - Based on the permissions assigned, Manager would be able to edit the "User Profile" and "Company tab" information of the assigned user in the edit user dialogue under "My Team" section of the new AHP One user Frontend
  • [13426] - Simplified provider management by restricting additional providers where these are not supported
  • [13338] - Introduced runtime of assignment property for products. If the value 'Runtime of assignment' is configured, the booking of this product will be automatically removed from a user after the number of days configured in the value
  • [13327] - Introduced the ability to multi-select users and assign them Exchange Online mailboxes or delete their mailboxes
  • [12688] - In Multi Tennant edition, when a service is created in "Groups Distribution" OU or any Sub-OU, it is mail enabled by default
  • [12671] - If AHP One Management is accessed using IE11, a Banner is displayed that IE 11 is out of support
  • [12398] - Introducing Citrix Cloud Session Reporting in AHP One Reporting section
  • [11658] - A new workflow item DSMUnAssignGroup can be used when altering and executing workflows
  • [8780] - Added the functionality to export and import of workflows as a standardized format (JSON)
  • [5651] - Enhanced visibility to recognize where an AppSet was initially configured by adding an OU path in product bundle
  • [961] - A product or service can be protected so users can book the product, but not unbook it. If product or service is part of a bundle, the same applies to the bundle
  • Korrekturen
  • [16506] - Improvement on the services sync on sub OU level for File groups
  • [16392] - Fixed an issue with SQL timeout expired exceptions in logfiles
  • [16256] - Fixed an issue where already booked product is assigned to a bundle then user(s) get the product booked in the bundle
  • [16071] - Fixed an issue w.r.t Email address policy for exchange online
  • [16012] - New UI new features would be reflected immediately without performing hard refresh
  • [15858] - Group names with long text cannot be expanded in Groups
  • [15843] - An issue where users were not able to book multiple virtual Desktops (VDI) has been fixed
  • [15835] - Added a missing group type for dynamic azure groups
  • [15831] - Sorting for DSM reports would work as expected on all columns
  • [15734] - Simple login information in NewUI as in OldUIUnnecessary DEBUG Information for NewUI disabled by default (enable via .config setting or AHPOne Configuration Parameter)
  • [15683] - Fixed an issue where a user could unbook app and services in grid view, even when 'disable unbooking of app from Frontend' was configured
  • [15671] - Fixed an issue where new created OUs did not inherit Roles and Rights from Parent OUs
  • [15632] - Group memberships of users will be retained after un-assigning the client
  • [15533] - Fixed an issue where setting Computers to reinstall in AHP One Management did not change status in AHP One view
  • [15410] - Fixed an issue that setting the Supervisor in Team view Bulk Edit led to password change job
  • [15381] - Fixed an issue during creation of ICA-file in the AHP Frontend when using iPad and Safari within company network
  • [15346] - Removed hard coded language settings in various functions e.g. notifications
  • [15141] - Fixed an issue where the Users/Shared mailboxes/Contacts objects can be imported in the respective OU's
  • [15099] - Fixed an issue where text displayed for printer in AD sync queue table is with DB value
  • [15080] - Fixed an issue where scheduled job were not displaying the correct number for the total scheduled jobs in start page
  • [14793] - Client booking status for Unused/Used/Retire clients would be displayed correctly
  • [14583] - Fixed an issue when unassiging an App from create user pop up that was part of an AppSet was unassigning the application
  • [14492] - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to PowerOff/PowerOn/Restart/Shutdown any VM when the VMware host was connected via a remote connection
  • [14295] - Navigation Sidebar Item 'Help' was shown regardless of the users assigned role permission 'Navigation_Help'
  • [14268] - Admin would be able to disable user even though he/she does not have "User_Prep" right
  • [14210] - Admin would be able to create or delete currency from the AHP One management
  • [13964] - Fixed an issue where the creation of the second VM always failed when an Admin was creating multiple machines for a Citrix pool
  • [13932] - DSM Sync Queue was not showing deleted/removed software assignments
  • [13872] - Fixed an issue where date of last execution was not correct in client list
  • [13702] - Fixed an issue where the previously selected service was not automatically deselected, in case the search for a new service had been done
  • [13673] - Too long email id was going out of boundary for Add user to the selected Group popup in Management
  • [13634] - Fixed an issue where long name of a product/service was not in the frame of the product in service store
  • [12034] - Fixed an issue where bundle notifications were not appearing for approvers
  • [10825] - Fixed an issue when a AHP Product Application AD Group "AHP APP Application Users" is deleted from the AD OU "OU=Groups Applications,OU=AHP Infrastructure Objects,...." AD-Sync was removing the Application from the Appstore, but did not remove AppSet assignments and bookings