AHP Portal Version 4.9.23073.3 - 14/03/2023

  • Verbesserungen
  • [23353] - AHP Management Portal: Introduced a parameter "EnableDesktopLiveQuery" to disable desktop live query's for new UI.
  • [22998] - AHP Management Portal: AzureAD Login possible without Azure Virtual Desktop enabled.
  • [22896] - AHP Management Portal: Minor improvement on currencies in user appstore.
  • [22674] - AHP Management Portal: Ease of viewing user status in Groups for members in Role Management.
  • [22405] - AHP Management Portal: Default permission roles and groups are now created properly with Tenant Prep.
  • [22370] - AHP Management Portal: Implemented functionality to manage tags on Azure Virtal Desktop virtual machines.
  • [22321] - AHP User Portal - New Frontend UI: Implemented currency switcher in the new UI for store and my team list.
  • [22213] - AHP Management Portal: Improved logging on Azure Virtual Machine creation.
  • [22008] - AHP Management Portal: Enabled functionality to move Azure VMs to different ComputerOU of same type.
  • [21996] - AHP Management Portal: Minor improvements on user create/prep and home drive.
  • [21995] - AHP Management Portal: Implemented functionality to edit extension attributes in user creation UI.
  • [21894] - Management Portal: Minor improvements on managing ou types in Sync Management.
  • [21684] - AHP User Portal - New Frontend UI: Improved messaging on product contingent and additional option to to hide products when not available for booking.
  • [21677] - AHP Management Portal: Enabled functionality to run custom powershell script on AzureVM Computer objects.
  • [21231] - AHP Management Portal: added functionality to change sizes of Azure Virtual Desktop Machines (AHP One WVD Client).
  • [20914] - AHP Management Portal: Major improvements on ADSync performance.
  • [20870] - AHP Portal Management: Changes to scrolling inside client installation logfile.
  • [20665] - AHP Management Portal: Implemented functionality to add tags for AzureVMs during creation via new workflow command AddAzureVMTag.
  • [20180] - AHP Management Portal: Multiple improvements in Appstore functionalities (dependencies, Multi Apps Assignment).
  • [20051] - AHP User Portal - Old Frontend UI: For managers Client/Pool desktop popup would be displayed only when client assigned by Admin.
  • [19618] - AHP User Portal - New Frontend UI: Manager are now to multiselect the users in My team list and are able to perform Enable/Disable operations.
  • [18291] - AHP User Portal - New Frontend UI: Windows profile tab should be displayed to user's and managers under Profile popup and My Teams tab.
  • [15642] - AHP Management Portal: In role management it is now possible to rename roles and groups.
  • [13352] - AHP User Portal - New Frontend UI: Manager would be able to assign normal products to it's assigned users (Bundle or Shared mailbox products are not in scope) .
  • Korrekturen
  • [24185] - Fixed an issue where groups and products in massimport MemberOf column where not found.
  • [23967] - Fixed issue on deleting a user with the UPN as alias for another user's mailbox.
  • [23966] - Fixed an issue with incorrect permissions mapping for setting Account Expires Value.
  • [23915] - Fixed an issue with Login errors when "user must change password at next login" was enabled.
  • [23897] - Fixed an issue with ADSync and renamed OUs in AD.
  • [23758] - Fixed an issue with SetManager Workflow Attribute still setting a manager even if disabled.
  • [23752] - Fixed an issue were entries from FARM Management are not properly deleted in Database.
  • [23320] - Fixed an issue with booked client now show for CLI product bookings.
  • [23290] - Fixed an issue with special characters in database password.
  • [23261] - Fixed an issue with msi installer messages concerning support .net hosted bundle (no support for .net 7).
  • [23250] - Fixed an issue where UserUpdateCompany did not properly update job title in database.
  • [23157] - Fixed a minor issue with previous introduced maintenance task.
  • [23156] - Fixed an issue there incorrect targetsystem for CLIENT and POOL block product bookings.
  • [23129] - Fixed an issue with AHP Portal Logo not properly aligned when JobQueue is disabled.
  • [22759] - Fixed an issue with AHP Management Portal crashing when checking windows profile tab.
  • [22749] - Fixed an issue with encoding for default platform resource.
  • [22203] - Fixed an issue with ADSync not deleting a removed AD OU not properly deleted from Database.